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Ukrainian volunteers in Wiesbaden

At the end of June, three Ukrainians joined the volunteering community in Wiesbaden. Provided with the opportunity to explore a bunch of new experiences by Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps, Yana, Ira, and Nastia came to join a team of arco e.V. for the summer.

I joined arco e.V. as the only volunteer in April 2022, so I anticipated more people to arrive. It felt exciting to have people from my country supporting each other in new social and cultural contexts.

During their first weeks in Germany, new volunteers had a chance to explore Wiesbaden and were impressed with its authenticity.

“From the first sight, I felt Wiesbaden is a cozy, small city, where every new district or street reminds me of native Lviv. The local vibe and diversity are absorbing; we see something new, original, and eye-catching every day.” – Yana shared her reflection about the city.

In response to the full-scale war in Ukraine, arco e.V. decided to invite more Ukrainian young people to join the organization for short-term volunteering, giving them a safe space for a physical and mental state to grow personally and professionally.

All four of us feel tremendous gratitude to arco e.V. for supporting and expressing solidarity with our country and providing unique opportunities for Ukrainian youth.

Tania – Volunteer Arco e.V.

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